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VP of Public Policy at The Apache Software Foundation

Dirk-Willem van Gulik is one of the internet engineers behind the world wide web. He is one of the founding fathers of the apache web server He was the President of the Apache Software Foundation during its first 10 years. He has worked for the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, the United Nations, telecommunications firms, several satellite & space agencies and founded several startups. He participated in different international standards bodies on Architecture and Internet standard since the early days. He helped build first ‘webserver’ startup: Covalent, made big-data and the semantic web reality at Asemantics and created the first first instant play P2P viewer at He was the Chief Technical Architect at the BBC at the time of the olympics. He assisted the Ministry of Health of the Netherlands with the `CoronaMelder’; where opensource, cryptography and security-by-design helped build trust. And most recently he has helped the EU understand the impact of their new software regulation, such as the upcoming PLD and CRA on innovation and open source. When not at work, he loves to sail or hang out at the local

Sessions by Dirk-Willem Van Gulik