During Community over Code EU 2024 you will have the option to take a 4 hour training session on “The AI Side of Apache Lucene and Apache Solr”.

This training is intended for beginners and seasoned Apache Lucene/Solr experts who want to know all the latest news and features related to Artificial Intelligence: from neural (vector-based) search to Large Language Models integration, passing by classification and Learning To Rank.

Throughout the training, expect immersive experiences and hands-on demonstrations showcasing AI’s latest and greatest applications in our favourite search engines.

It will be on June 4 from 2 to 6 pm, and it has a cost of 100 GBP (117.52 EUR).

This training is not part of the regular program of Community over Code EU 2024 and is therefore not included in your pass. It is a separate activity provided by Sease and if you participate you will purchase directly with them.

For more information and to purchase your ticket for this training, please visit: https://sease.io/training/the-ai-side-of-apache-lucene-solr-8211-community-over-code-training